Ballet Music from Don Carlo


作 曲:G. Verdi


編 曲:Patterson


難 度:6 級


出版社:Southern Music



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Ballata della Gnomidi - 總譜


作 曲:Ottorino Respighi


編 曲:Jose Schyns


難 度:6 級


出版社:Baton Music



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A Hero's Life


作 曲:R. Strauss


編 曲:Mark Hindsley


難 度:6 級


出版社:Hindsley Transcriptions



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3rd movement from Symphony no. 6


作 曲:P. I. Tchaikovsky


編 曲:Mark Hindsley


難 度:6 級


出版社:Hindsley Transcriptions



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1st movement from Symphony no. 6


作 曲:P. I. Tchaikovsky


編 曲:Mark Hindsley


難 度:6 級


出版社:Hindsley Transcriptions



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1812 - Ouverture Solennelle


作 曲:Pjotr Ilych Tschaikowsky


編 曲:Christiaan Janssen


難 度:6 級


出版社:Baton Music



[ 我要詢價 ]


第 81 至第 86 筆 / 共 86 筆


Brain Ensemble Collection Vol. 10 - The Merry Window Selections

JWECC 2009 - Axis Mundi

Reference Performance Collection of All Japan Band Competition's Required Pieces Vol. 2 - 1993 ~ 2008 - 4 CDs set


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