
Roger Webster, Cornet
with The Brighouse & Rastrick Band
David Hirst, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

DOY 192
Richard Marshall, Cornet
with Grimethorpe Colliery Band
Richard Evans, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

DOY 230
Richard Marshall, Cornet & Trumpet
with Black Dyke Band
Nicholas J. Childs, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

DOY 170
Roger Webster, Cornet
with Black Dyke Mills Band
Nicholas J. Childs, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

Roger Webster, Cornet
with Stewart Death, Piano |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

Russel Gray, Cornet
with The BNFL Band
Richard Evans, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

CD 7170
Harmen Vanhoorne, Cornet
Patrick Vergeres, Cornet
Raf Van Looveren, Cornet
with Allardyce Mallone, Piano
Philharmonic Wind Orchestra
Marc Reift Orchestra
Marc Reift, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 550

SFZ 114
Russell Gray, Cornet
with Fodens Richardson Band
Roy Newsome, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
安邦 ( Jean Baptise Arban ) ,法國知名小號獨奏家。 1825 年出生於法國里昂,早年入學巴黎音樂院,師事達文納學習短號演奏。爾後進入法國海軍服役。 1857 年退役後,進入巴黎音樂院擔任教職。其一生最大偉大的貢獻莫過於撰寫廣為銅管樂器採用的安邦短號教本 ( Arban Method for Cornet ) 。
這張由英國 SP & S 推出的 The Arban Collection 共收錄九首安邦為短號所創作的獨奏曲,除了 Fantaisie Brillante 、 Variations sur Norma 、 Variations sur la Tyrolienne 等耳熟能詳的曲目外,其餘多是目前少有管樂錄音文獻的曲子,增添了這張唱片的收藏價值。
獨奏者 Russell Gray , 1968 年出生於英國 Glasgow , 1977 年開始學習小號演奏,十二歲即擔任英國 Clydebank Gurgh 銅管樂團的首席短號手。高中畢業後,進入 Huddersfield University 求學,爾後,進入英國知名銅管樂團 Black Dyke Mills Band 擔任短號手至今。
值得一提的是, Russell Gray 使用 1866 年安邦先生所使用的短號錄製本專輯。 |
NT 600

SFZ 145
Russell Gray, Cornet
with Leyland Band
Michael Fowles, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

DOY 266
Richard Marshall, Cornet
with Black Dyke Band
Nicholas Childs, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

DOY 078
Richard Marshall, Cornet
with Grimethorpe Colliery RJB Band
Garry Cutt, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 600

Russell Gray, Cornet
with The BNFL Band
Richard Evans, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

Roger Webster, Cornet
with The CWS ( Glasgow ) Band
Archie Hutchison, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

Roger Webster, Cornet
with The CWS ( Glasgow ) Band
Brian Allen, Conductor |
Cornet 【短號】 |
NT 700

Reference Performance Collection of All Japan Band Competition's Required Pieces Vol. 2 - 1993 ~ 2008 - 4 CDs set |

Reference Performance Collection of All Japan Band Competition's Required Pieces Vol. 1 - 1975 ~ 1992 - 4 CDs set |

KYO-EN Vol. 12 - 2 CDs set |