這張由 GIA Music 於 2007 年推出的 Percussive Palooza DVD ,完整收錄 2006 年於美國北德大學舉辦的 Percussive Arts Society International Convention ( PASIC ) 期間, 美國管樂大師 Eugene M. Coporon 與 North Texas Wind Symphony 的音樂會實況,演出曲目包括五首於 PASIC 發表,為擊樂重奏與管樂團協奏的最新創作,及三首由日本知名馬林巴琴演奏家安倍圭子 ( Keiko Abe ) 擔任獨奏,為獨奏馬林巴琴與錄音帶所創作的作品。
片中另收錄由 Eugene M. Corporon 主持,邀請作曲家 Russell Peck 、 Williams Kraft 、 Bruce Yurko 以及馬林巴琴演奏家 Keiko Abe 參與的研討會,探討樂曲創作的過程及擊樂與管樂團在合奏音響上的各種可能性,是擊樂朋友們不可錯過的珍藏。
片長:120 分鐘
Lollapalooza / John Adams ( arr. James Spinazzola )
Cadenza and Variations from Concerto for Four Percussion Soloists / Williams Kraft
- Christopher Deane, Percussion
- Mark Ford, Percussion
- Paul Rennick, Percussion
- Robert Schietroma, Percussion
Monvalence la for Marimba Improvisation and Tape / Shin-ichiro Ikebe
- Keiko Abe, Marimba
Airscope II for Marimba Improvasation and Tape / Isao Matsushita
- Keiko Abe, Marimba
Ode to Whales for Marimba Improvisation and Tape / Teppo Hauta-aho
- Keiko Abe, Marimba
Concerto for Nine Percussion Soloists / Bruce Yurko
- Dan Darrah, Percussion
- Akiko Goto, Percussion
- Ellis Hampton, Percussion
- Brandon Kelly, Percussion
- Yi-Jan Liu, Percussion
- Jason Nicholson, Percussion
- John Roberts, Percussion
- Nothan Sankary, Percussion
- Joshua Smith, Percussion
Prism Rhapsody II / Keiko Abe
- Keiko Abe, Marimba
- Mark Ford, Marimba
The Glory and the Grandeur / Russell Peck
- Christopher Deane, Percussion
- Mark Ford, Percussion
- Brian Zator, Percussion
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