OSBR 19006

Eine Alpensinfonie


Yoshihiro Kimura


Amagasaki Municipal Wind Orchestra
【 日本尼崎市市民管樂團 】

NT 700



Eine Alpensinfonie / R. Strauss ( trans. Y. Kimura )


I. Night


II. Sunrise


III. The Ascent


IV. Entering the Forest


V. Wandering by the Brook


VI. At the Waterfall


VII. Apparition


VIII. In the Flowery Meadows


IX. On the Mountain Pasture


X. Through Thickets and Undergrowth on the Wrong Path


XI. On the Glacier


XII. Dangerous Moments


XIII. On the Summit


XIV. Vision


XV. Rising Mists


XVI. The Sun Gradually Dims


XVII. Elegy


XVIII. Calm Before the Storm


XIX. Thunderstorm - Descent


XX. Sunset


XXI. Ending


XXII. Night

Brain Ensemble Collection Vol. 10 - The Merry Window Selections

JWECC 2009 - Axis Mundi

Reference Performance Collection of All Japan Band Competition's Required Pieces Vol. 2 - 1993 ~ 2008 - 4 CDs set


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